Friday, December 29, 2017

Trump Is A Useful Idiot Who Can Be Manipulated By Stroking His Ego (How The Institutional Right Manages Trump To Further Their Goals)

A useful idiot is someone who supports one side of an ideological debate, but who is manipulated and held in contempt by the leaders of their faction... (Excerpt from the Rationalwiki).

After the passage of the recent tax legislation (a Dickensian horror that will exacerbate inequality as it funnels wealth upward), Congressional Republicans got together with their Fuhrer. It was this disgusting orgy of verbal fellatio that made it clear to me that the Republicans have developed a strategy to manage their puppet.

"No puppet, no puppet" Trump declared prior to the election, during one of the three debates in which Hillary Clinton DESTROYED him. Yet, despite losing all three debates, the Putin puppet ascended to the White House. And the degree to which the election was manipulated by Putin (in order to install his puppet) was further revealed.

Which brings me back to the passage of Trump's bogus "tax cuts and jobs" legislation (which was sold as relief for the so-called "forgotten man", but is aimed squarely at our oligarchs. And will also NOT create jobs, given the FACT that trickle down economics is a total sham). Following the Republican legislative victory the GOP decided a gang bang of praise was in order. So each Congressperson took a turn pleasuring the moron who would be signing their Randian tax code rewrite.

This legislation, btw, is likely what Paul Ryan has dreamt of since he was a young boy (who read Ayn Rand under the sheets while masturbating). It surely is NOT what Trump promised during his campaign. Not that he ever had any intention of following through with any of his campaign promises. He lied, of course. Although, in his mind, I'm positive it was just "campaign rhetoric" designed to get him what he wanted (the adulation of the crowd, votes and the presidency).

Now it seems as though institutional Republicans have finally realized (long after Putin did) that Trump can be easily manipulated by heaping outlandish praise on him. A gang bang, for the record, "is a situation in which several people engage in physical sexual activity with one particular individual sequentially or at the same time. The person is the central focus of the sexual activity".

In the video below Senator Orrin Hatch takes his turn in the sequential gang bang by orally stimulating the engorged ego of BLOTUS (2:33).

Given how OVER THE TOP Hatch's praise is, it is CLEAR to me that he is bullshitting. And spreading the bovine excrement on THICK. Although with Trump (a man with an incredibly fragile ego who lives for praise) it works. Disgusting, but necessary if your goal is to pass legislation that benefits (almost exclusively) the oligarchs. For the most part the American people aren't buying it (why public opinion of the legislation is so low).

"we're going to make this the greatest presidency that we've seen, not only in generations, but maybe ever" Hatch promised. By which he means (I'm convinced) that FINALLY, with Trump as their useful (bill and Executive Order signing) idiot, the Republican dream of bringing FULL oligarchy to the US can finally be brought to fruition (a second Gilded Age).

Below is an ad put out by America First Policies after passage of the GOP's tax theft legislation (0:33).

America First Policies was "founded by a group of Trump loyalists — many of them with deep connections to VP Pence" according to Wikipedia. Trump sycophants and butt-lickers, or the "ministry of propaganda" as per one YouTube commenter. Propaganda? Absolutely. One actor in the commercial (a little girl at the end) says "Thank you president Trump for letting us say Merry Christmas again". A claim we all know is utter rubbish because nobody was preventing people from saying "Merry Christmas" during the Obama presidency.

"Everyday Americans are standing up to thank president Trump" the video narrator claims. A actor (portraying a blue collar worker) thanks Trump for "cutting my taxes". Another says "thank you for fixing the economy". Fixing the economy? This is the Obama economy. Obama fixed the mess left behind by the former President Doofus. Obama is who we should be thanking, not this idiot. Trump's tax cuts for the wealthy will have the same effect that the tax cuts for the wealthy (that were passed under the Doofus Administration) had.

I expect a Wall Street bubble. Share prices will increase after CEOs use their corporation's tax cuts to buy back shares (NOT hire people/give raises), followed by a recession. This is what is predicted by Economic historian Robert McElvaine, "a leading expert on the Great Depression". The recession could be "severe" and "catastrophic".

But (before that happens) Wall Street is going to go bananas. Which will give Republican voters a false impression that "tax reform" is working. And might help Republicans in the midterms. That is, I believe, their gamble, at least. Lock in their oligarch-favoring agenda NOW, then leave it to a Democratic president to deal with the mess (note that Obama never got rid of the bush tax cuts).

The Trump Administration (and the GOP under his "leadership") will cause GREAT human suffering, then blame the next (Democratic) president when it all comes crashing down. As is their MO (Clinton cleaning up Reagan/GHWB's mess and Obama having to deal with gwb's tax cut bubble which burst following a real estate bubble).

In the meantime we'll continue to see continued undignified/repulsive brown-nosing by the oligarchs (via their SuperPacs/other disinformation vehicles) and their bought-and-paid-for institutional Republican stooges (as well as the purging of "RINOS" like Flake, trumpers eagerly awaiting the death of John McCain, etc). And propaganda like the America First "Alternative Facts/Thank you Dear Leader" ego-stroking advert above. Barf!

SWTD #398

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